PHPNomad As A Static Site Generator
PHPNomad’s documentation site is now being built using…PHPNomad!
Work Life Balance Is A Lie.
Work-life balance is a trap. It frames work and life as opponents in an unwinnable war. Seek harmony instead. Let work flow with life’s rhythms, not against them.
PHPNomad As An MVC Framework
So PHPNomad can run as an MVC framework now. That’s neat. I needed a way to make Siren run outside of WordPress. After careful consideration, I decided the best route to take was to set up the last couple of packages needed to just make PHPNomad capable of running as its own MVC framework. I […]
Why Smart Businesses Keep Building the Wrong Systems (And What I’m Doing About It)
There’s a pattern I keep seeing with successful businesses – the smarter they are, the more likely they are to build sophisticated systems they’re not ready for. After years of watching this play out, I’ve finally mapped the evolution stages that determine what you actually need – and what you should ignore.
Federating My Website
This post explores how I’ve added enhancements to my site to better-integrate with the Fediverse, and also how I’m using the Mastodon app to publish content direct to my WP site (!)
Bridges, not Ladders
I’ve found the biggest leaps in my career rarely come from climbing corporate ladders, but instead crossing bridges. This post is intended to be a gentle prompt for you to think about your career and consider “is it time to cross a bridge?”
How I Made My WordPress Archive Style Different Post Formats
This is a big win for me! I was able to set up my site so that posts in an archive can be displayed based on the post format – WITHOUT building a custom block, just a small PHP snippet.
I Re-Built My Website Using The Block Editor And Ollie
Reflecting on my experience in re-building my site from a headless site to a non-headless site, all in a single evening. WordPress has come so far.
Maybe WordPress Needs To Re-Connect With “Why” Instead of “What”
Reflections on a recent WP Product Talk episode, and my thoughts on what WordPress may have lost touch with over the years.