I started over in FFXIV last night. I needed a game that didn’t feel like another project. Something that took me on a journey.
And I couldn’t resist creating an emo Lalafell named Adam Smoltier. 🤣
Alex Standiford
I started over in FFXIV last night. I needed a game that didn’t feel like another project. Something that took me on a journey.
And I couldn’t resist creating an emo Lalafell named Adam Smoltier. 🤣
Alex Standiford
I’m gonna say the thing out loud – Most affiliate programs suck.
People hype them as money-printing machines, but most just drain resources, waste time, and barely boost sales.
There’s a better way.
Alex Standiford
I’ve come to find that telling AI to “stop being clever and just say the damn thing” seems to be very effective at getting better heading copy 😂
Alex Standiford
My home media center is ready to print! Going to take several days to get it printed and together, and I’ll probably have to re-print something but it’s time to start makin’ parts!
Alex Standiford
A handy little not-so-commonly known trick for getting a centerline between holes using calipers.
Alex Standiford
I un-wittingly re-invented tea this week.
“I want an inexpensive beverage that isn’t necessarily sweet, but is kinda fruity and something I can easily drink throughout the day that will make water interesting.”
“Maybe I can steep some fruit overnight in a jar and fill up some water bottles to put in my fridge…that sounds good, and is 1/100th the cost of Vitamin water!”
“Oooh! I know! I can add a single tea bag to the jar to add a little more to it!”
“Hmm…I need to filter this now. What should I use? I Know! My Tea kettle!”
Alex Standiford
If you’ve worked with someone who has experience building sites using Elementor, and you’ve had a good experience working with them, please recommend them below.
(Do not recommend yourself!)
I’ve spent way too much time trying to build separate sales pipelines when the answer was right in front of me—Siren. Instead of growing Siren in spite of my business, I’m building my business around Siren. Every product, every service—Siren is the core. 🚀
Alex Standiford
Oh my GOD Claude has become so freaking restrictive on its usage. Feeling like I’m paying for a demo of a product these days.
Alex Standiford
The plan is to tuck the mount it behind the TV on the wall. Brackets will hold it on the wall but make it fairly easy to remove if I ever need too.
Although it’s going to be running Ubuntu, so I can connect to it with another computer pretty easily.
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