Making My Business Siren-Centric
I’ve spent way too much time trying to build separate sales pipelines when the answer was right in front of me—Siren. Instead of growing Siren in spite of my business, I’m building my business around Siren. Every product, every service—Siren is the core. 🚀
Your AI-Generated Code is a Ticking Time Bomb (And It’s Not the AI’s Fault)
AI is really powerful, but are you using it in a way that’s sustainable, or are you setting yourself up for failure?
Seriously, Time Budgeting Is Life-Changing.
Following up on a new methodology of budgeting time in the same way as budgeting money. (Hint – it’s still life-changingly good)
PHPNomad As A Static Site Generator
PHPNomad’s documentation site is now being built using…PHPNomad!
Looking for 5 Companies Who Need a Part-Time CTO
Your developers are using AI to write code faster than ever, but the technical debt is mounting. I help companies harness AI’s speed without sacrificing quality or losing control. I’m opening spots for 4-6 companies who need part-time technical leadership in 2025.
Re-Acquainting Myself With Being A Visionary
Between late night binges playing Phasmophobia, I’ve been doing a lot of “future work” lately. Thinking about Novatorius, Siren, and what it all means. How does it all connect to my beliefs, and my life, and what’s the purpose of all of it.
Work Life Balance Is A Lie.
Work-life balance is a trap. It frames work and life as opponents in an unwinnable war. Seek harmony instead. Let work flow with life’s rhythms, not against them.
PHPNomad As An MVC Framework
So PHPNomad can run as an MVC framework now. That’s neat. I needed a way to make Siren run outside of WordPress. After careful consideration, I decided the best route to take was to set up the last couple of packages needed to just make PHPNomad capable of running as its own MVC framework. I […]
Chicago In Winter
A weekend escape to Chicago offered a mix of city charm, vibrant culture, and unforgettable experiences, from exploring iconic streets to enjoying a VIP concert night.
Why Smart Businesses Keep Building the Wrong Systems (And What I’m Doing About It)
There’s a pattern I keep seeing with successful businesses – the smarter they are, the more likely they are to build sophisticated systems they’re not ready for. After years of watching this play out, I’ve finally mapped the evolution stages that determine what you actually need – and what you should ignore.