I can’t get enough of how GOOD this green looks on this dark blue.
Seriously, I just bought swag with hoodies in black with the Siren logo and now I’m wondering if I should have went with navy blue.
Siren has everything needed to build as many pay for performance programs as you need. Affiliate programs, Sales programs, royalty programs, if you have heard of it, Siren can probably make it for your business. You can learn more about Siren here.
I’ve spent way too much time trying to build separate sales pipelines when the answer was right in front of me—Siren. Instead of growing Siren in spite of my business, I’m building my business around Siren. Every product, every service—Siren is the core. 🚀
Alex Standiford
I can’t get enough of how GOOD this green looks on this dark blue.
Seriously, I just bought swag with hoodies in black with the Siren logo and now I’m wondering if I should have went with navy blue.
Alex Standiford
I’ve been methodically chipping away at building the rest of Siren’s rebranded site. Added first drafts of a few key pages today. Really excited to see it all finally coming together!
Alex Standiford
I love building sites that are dark mode first. Siren’s new site is looking so…so good.
Can’t wait to share!
Alex Standiford
I never get tired of seeing these as they come in!
“I am thrilled to be a new Siren customer. Today, I created the first Affiliate Program for my LifterLMS site. This is an excellent solution for compensating content creators, and I can think of a couple of other use cases that I can’t wait to try out! I highly recommend this product.”
Alex Standiford
NEW INTEGRATION: Easy Digital Downloads
I’m excited to announce that Siren has just launched an official integration with Easy Digital Downloads!
Create affiliate programs, including support for recurring commissions, and discounts.
So PHPNomad can run as an MVC framework now. That’s neat. I needed a way to make Siren run outside of WordPress. After careful consideration, I decided the best route to take was to set up the last couple of packages needed to just make PHPNomad capable of running as its own MVC framework. I […]
Alex Standiford
I decided to keep it simple this year with Siren’s Black Friday sale. You get a 60% discount, and I’m also offering a Lifetime deal! The lifetime deal will not be available after Monday, so if you’ve been on the fence now is a good time to pick it up.
Alex Standiford
From a dev who is working on Siren extensions:
“The more time I spend with Siren, the more I’m falling in love 💖”
I love to hear these things because I put a lot of effort thinking through how to make extending Siren a good experience.
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