The newly adjusted pieces worked SO well. They printed easily thanks to the flats, still work just as well, and printed much nicer. This thing makes winding up my kite tail A LOT easier. Really happy with this design.
Portable Kite Tail Winder
I needed a better way to wind up my kite tail, so I designed something to help me. You can download the file and print your own.
Alex Standiford
The tail crank design definitely works, although I had some issues with the quality of my prints. I’m re-designing the cranks now to be easier to print on their side, and just a scoshe smaller so they fit into the holes easier.
But functionally-speaking, this works great!
I changed the design of the crank to have flats on either end. This makes it a lot easier to print on its side, which will not only make the cranks stronger, but also a lot easier to print. This should fix the quality issues I had.
Alex Standiford
If I can get the printer to do it, I’m going to try and print this little setup as a portable tail winder. The handles come out and fit inside the winder, and then you can strap the whole thing together as a single compact piece.
Weighted Tree Decoration Stand
A small 3-piece tree decoration stand for little trees, snowflakes, and other fun things. My kiddo and wife wanted to make these, so I designed a stand that is optionally weighted by pennies to make it extra stable.
Alex Standiford
I set up some shelving in my office over the weekend for my gaming “server” (AKA “old gaming laptop”) and printer. The shelving was in the basement prior to, and was twice as tall but I don’t need all that in the office right now. The problem? The tops aren’t nicely capped, and they seem potentially hazardous. So I’m 3D printing some custom caps to clean it up a bit.
I’m printing out of ABS just because that was what was already on the feed, so I added a raft because ABS curls like crazy.
Alex Standiford
My youngest has discovered the capabilities of a 3D printer. So we’re printing fun things like articulating dragons, 3-headed snails, and Medusa figures. All while learning about 3D printers ❤️
Alex Standiford
I usually print practical things, but my son and wife requested these adorable cows so they can paint them. They came out really well!
Alex Standiford
I started uploading my designs on Thingiverse. I’ll probably also start adding them to GitHub too, so that the versions can be managed in source control. Wondering if I should add my Thingiverse profile to my site…hmm.
Delta Kite GoPro Mount
On one end, you loop a string onto your kite string, and add foam tape to the other end. The idea is that the foam tape will pinch on the keel tight enough, and the tight string and keep keeps the camera relatively steady. I got decent results with this version, but it could be improved with a better mechanism to grip the keel, and would also benefit from being a little easier to print.