• Alex Standiford

    My home media center is ready to print! Going to take several days to get it printed and together, and I’ll probably have to re-print something but it’s time to start makin’ parts!

  • Alex Standiford

    A handy little not-so-commonly known trick for getting a centerline between holes using calipers.

  • Alex Standiford

    The plan is to tuck the mount it behind the TV on the wall. Brackets will hold it on the wall but make it fairly easy to remove if I ever need too.

    Although it’s going to be running Ubuntu, so I can connect to it with another computer pretty easily.

  • Alex Standiford

    Found some time to chip away at this a bit. Added lots and lots of holes, as well as 2 Z brackets that will allow it to mount vertically on the wall.

    The plan is to install this behind my TV so it isn’t visible, but still easily accessible.

  • Alex Standiford

    Progress on the media center case. It’s coming along nicely, but…some assembly will definitely be required 🙈

  • Alex Standiford

    The computer is built. Now I just have to design and print a box for it!

  • Alex Standiford

    I’m building a custom PC build for a Linux-based home media center!

    Kate and I decided we wanted a Blu-ray player because we’re tired of the antics of streaming services and want to regain a modicum of control over our media again. I shopped around and didn’t find one that didn’t have a bunch of baked-in streaming services that was any good.

    So with this incredibly flimsy excuse, I took this as an opportunity to finally build my first custom PC, complete with a blu-ray drive. It will be a Linux-based media center on either LibreELEC or Debian + KODI, and will be able to connect to my PLEX server upstairs.

    I ended up spending about what you’d spend on a decent mid-range Blu-ray player today, but I’d wager the hardware I got is much better, and I’ll actually be able to control the software.

    Oh, and I plan on 3D printing the case.

    Really excited about this project!