Re-Acquainting Myself With Being A Visionary
Between late night binges playing Phasmophobia, I’ve been doing a lot of “future work” lately. Thinking about Novatorius, Siren, and what it all means. How does it all connect to my beliefs, and my life, and what’s the purpose of all of it.
A Season Of Change
It’s been a heck of a week. I left my job, my wife started working on her art professionally, my kids started going to public school for the first time ever, I released a big Siren update, and I started picking up freelance work.
Today Was My Last Day At My Day Job
Last week, I made the difficult decision to leave my job at GoDaddy. I’m now considering my options on where I go from here.
I’m Starting a Podcast About How To Build Better Business Partnerships
This podcast will explore different bootstrapped business topics, with a focus on utilizing your network to create partnerships that benefit both you and them.
I Bought an E-Bike
I bought an e-bike! I honestly think this will cut back on most of my driving, and play a small role in helping me keep active. The fact that I’m using it to get ice cream right now is a whole separate issue 😅
Our Camper Has Been Severely Damaged
Our winter home has been damaged, and it’s unclear if we’re ever going to live in it again. As a result, we find ourselves making due, but we’re asking for help.
Living It Up With a Shed
We set up a shed on our seasonal lot in Vermont, and I’m so happy with the results. This post talks a bit about how we built the shed, and the platform it’s built on.
See You at WordCamp US!
I’m going to be at WordCamp US this year. This conference is well-timed because I’m starting to think about finding freelance work for the upcoming Winter season. I haven’t seen anyone in-person in WordPress since 2019! I can’t wait to see y’all!
New Website, Who Dis?
My new site turns my personal website into a central hub, making it possible to view content I’ve published across the web. I’m so excited to finally have it up and running.