The newly adjusted pieces worked SO well. They printed easily thanks to the flats, still work just as well, and printed much nicer. This thing makes winding up my kite tail A LOT easier. Really happy with this design.
Portable Kite Tail Winder
I needed a better way to wind up my kite tail, so I designed something to help me. You can download the file and print your own.
Alex Standiford
The tail crank design definitely works, although I had some issues with the quality of my prints. I’m re-designing the cranks now to be easier to print on their side, and just a scoshe smaller so they fit into the holes easier.
But functionally-speaking, this works great!
I changed the design of the crank to have flats on either end. This makes it a lot easier to print on its side, which will not only make the cranks stronger, but also a lot easier to print. This should fix the quality issues I had.
Alex Standiford
If I can get the printer to do it, I’m going to try and print this little setup as a portable tail winder. The handles come out and fit inside the winder, and then you can strap the whole thing together as a single compact piece.
Alex Standiford
I got it in the air. 10mph winds. I seriously think this is my perfect Ohio kite. Hits that Goldilocks zone between a 4D and a Quantum. 😍 it’s a Kitty Hawk Kite edition Nexus and I’m in love.
Alex Standiford
Flying my Quantum this morning. Exciting to get the right amount of wind to actually do some fun stuff with it!
Alex Standiford
I just picked this Kitty Hawk Nexus up. The matching tail did me in, but I justified it because I think it’ll slot nicely between my 4D and Quantum for semi-windy days in Ohio. Now I’m going to be tortured all winter because it’ll be too cold to fly it 😭. I really miss Kitty Hawk. I love it there so much.
Alex Standiford
Maybe I should take the kite out again soon. With fall around the corner, we’re bound to get some wind, right? I doubt I could get the GoPro in the air though.
(PS: I figured out how to get videos on my site to play embedded in Twitter! Fancy!)
Delta Kite GoPro Mount
On one end, you loop a string onto your kite string, and add foam tape to the other end. The idea is that the foam tape will pinch on the keel tight enough, and the tight string and keep keeps the camera relatively steady. I got decent results with this version, but it could be improved with a better mechanism to grip the keel, and would also benefit from being a little easier to print.