I just wrote up the documentation for Underpin’s Array Helper methods and the Array Processor. I’ll probably work on the String helper methods next. But first, I’m going to get some shut-eye. So tired.
A Litany of Potential Improvements.
After importing over a decade of tweets into my site, I had several improvements to offer to the import utility I used. I compiled my changes to the code, and submitted it as a pull request, detailing what I needed, and why.
JSON-Based Component Rendering Proof-of-concept
I think this is a key component of the future of WordPress, since doing it this way would enable any future admin UI to work natively in an iOS application as well as a web application. You would still have two apps, but everything that actually renders the output is based on the JSON, and therefore can be extended easily.
I Created a Free Dockerized WordPress Dev Setup For Integration Testing
I’ve really struggled over the years to find a good local WordPress setup, and I think I finally have something that I love. It’s been incredibly effective, fast, and adaptable to not only my specific plugin scenario, but with a few tweaks to the script, can be used to set up a local environment for just about any WordPress setup.
Old URL used when uploading media from the WordPress APP via the block editor
I submitted a bug report for the Cloudinary plugin, related to the mobile experience when uploading media using the WordPress app.
Fields API Chat Summary: September 13th, 2023
As we dig deeper into what the Fields API can and should be, we’ve touched on some intriguing topics. From datastores to CRUD functionalities, our discussions are aimed at ensuring that the API is not just powerful today, but remains relevant and adaptable for the long term. Your feedback and input are invaluable in shaping the future of this project.
Pitch – JSON Approach For the Fields API
I started working on a very rough PoC earlier this week, and it helped me form an opinion on how I think the fields API could work. I think there’s some pretty good ideas here that would allow us to implement the fields API without disrupting WordPress backcompat.
PoC – A Registry-Based Approach To The Fields API
This is a very early look at a potential solution to the fields API. This is not ready for actual review. I’m pushing early mostly so we can talk about some of the things in the PR and see if there’s significant problems. Approach The idea here is that there is a central singleton registry […]
Post Settings Sidebar Example
This PR introduces a new document to the fields API that illustrates how to build a sidebar in the post settings section sidebar in the block editor. The goal of this PR is to help add visibility on one of the many ways in which a field is used inside WordPress.