One of the most unexpectedly great things about my personal site has been that it allows me to test ideas quickly. No domain, no website, nothing. Just toss up a page on the site and try it. Improve, iterate, and transition if it proves worthwhile.
Alex Standiford
This is a tough week. I have 4 different projects all launching at the same time.
The good news is I have two launches down – just two more to go!
I Talked About Siren, and Business on Manana No Mas
I hopped on Kurt’s podcast, and talked about Siren, business, and just in-general where my head is at after leaving GoDaddy earlier this year.
Alex Standiford
This is such a powerful, and insightful video from Chris Lema. Has me thinking a lot about how I can reframe how I talk about Siren.
Introducing Blueprint – A PHP Library for Replacing Placeholders
Wanted to share a small PHP library that I put together this morning. This makes it a bit easier to build and replace template strings in PHP.
Alex Standiford
Projects are progressing. Developers are gaining velocity. Writers are writing. Sales pipeline and video editing is all set up. It’s been a heck of a process, but every day that passes I feel more confident that I am ready for this. Let’s GO.
Alex Standiford
I have 2 more developers (perhaps 3?) starting next week, so my Friday consisted of documenting the Novatorius discovery process and making sure they’re all set when they get started.
Alex Standiford
It’s the 10th. Which means it’s PAYDAY! Woohoo!
Keeping track of this stuff is annoying. Kinda wish I had an accountant to help. Any recommendations?
Alex Standiford
Today is mostly about Siren. I hosted a podcast interview with Katie Keith today about affiliate marketing and now I’m fixing a bug in Siren.
Throw in a couple client meetings, and some code reviews, and that just about sums up the day.