Today is a travel day! We’re leaving Acadia, Maine, and the United States as a whole. By the end of the day, we expect to be in New Brunswick for a few days on our way up to see a few national parks up there. One such highlight is Gros Morne in New Foundland. Can’t wait!
Alex Standiford
Alex Standiford
Went on a hike today where the elevation changed by 450(!) feet in under 3 miles. It was very steep in some areas, and we had to go slow. The kids did so well! I snapped this photo while we were taking a break and it might be my new favorite photo of the family.
Alex Standiford
Some shots from our first day in Acadia. ♥️♥️
Mounting My GoPro To My Kite – With Footage
I mounted a camera to my kite, flew the kite, and successfully got some cool sunset footage at my campground. This talks about the trial-and-error getting there. It shows the footage, too!