• Alex Standiford

    I’ve been having some fun using AI to help me create a mascot for my affiliate program start guide. I’m really loving how much more fun it makes my landing page, compared to stock images of people. It’s a great way to prototype a character.

    I might make everyone into mermaids on this site.

  • Alex Standiford

    Actual footage of me telling ChatGPT “write me 10 different subject lines, but absolutely do not give me it in a {heading}:{description} format like you always try to do.”

  • Alex Standiford

    I’ve been using AI a lot this past year, but this is by far the best use case I’ve seen for it to-date.

User: Pinky, are you pondering what I’m pondering?
Assistant: I think so, but where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour?
User: Perfect. Give me 10 more!
Assistant: 1. I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?
2. I think so, but how will we teach the elephant to do the cha-cha?
3. I think so, but isn't a quiche just an omelet in a crust?
4. I think so, but can we get the penguins to form a conga line by morning?
5. I think so, but where are we going to find a pair of rubber pants our size?
6. I think so, but what kind of fuel does a time machine run on?
7. I think so, but if we get olive oil, who’s going to get Popeye?
8. I think so, but if they called them "sad meals," kids wouldn’t buy them!
9. I think so, but how will we find a mime willing to talk?
10. I think so, but do you think the fish will really grant our wishes?
  • Prompting ChatGPT With Blog Content

    I used ChatGPT to help with a presentation, and unintentionally turned it into a unique asset. After giving it several articles written about my site, it suddenly became capable of providing me ideas to improve my site based on the information I previously fed it. I’m keenly interested to see how this revelation will help me generate ideas in the future.

  • Alex Standiford

    Fun ChatGPT Prompt:

    In all of the following messages in this chat, we’re going to play a text-based adventure game, where you provide me with the prompts, and my responses are what allow me to progress through the game. I want the theme of the game to be fantasy themed. I expect you to give me details about my character, and want the object of the game to be to find a treasure in a perilous multi-roomed dungeon, and also escape it alive.

  • Alex Standiford

    Everyone’s talking about using ChatGPT to do things like write blog posts for them, or make pictures. Meanwhile, I’m over here using it to ask questions about video games I’m playing that is otherwise hard to search. I think this is particularly awesome.